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Sprinkler Winterization $59
ONLY Deal by JOCO Lawn & Turf for Shutdown Service

Take 35% off of our Sprinkler Shut-Down Service when you purchase this special offer through this email. Ensure that your sprinkler system is properly winterized and ready for the cold winter months.
This special includes the following services for up to 10 zones.
- Blow out water from main line and individual zones
- Close all valves
- Power off the system for the winter months
Schedule your Sprinkler Winterization Today!
$59 Winterization*
To ensure proper scheduling, please fill out the Google Form that appears after your online payment.
Prepayment is Required to take advantage of this special offer.
All payments are processed through PayPal
Offer expires: 09/27/2021
- We do require an adult 18 years or older to be present for the service.
- We schedule in time slots including morning, mid-day, and afternoon, with a 30 minute call ahead.
- Some restrictions apply (there is a $10 per zone charge for each additional zone, over 10 zones)
- To offer this discounted rate, we schedule by neighborhood from early October through the end of November
Following the end of the sale on September 27, 2021, within 10 – 14 days, we will email you the date we are scheduled to be in your area. Our scheduling is based on geographical location and by neighborhoods. We do require payment prior to the service being performed, in order to take advantage of the special pricing. You can pay now by selecting one of the prepayment links above prior to September 27, 2021, or you can call our office at 913-522-0880 to pay by credit card. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you for being part of our family.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Phone: 913-522-0880, Email: